Friday, September 6, 2013

The dresses...

I have always liked to sew.  I started with medieval, ren faire-ish, costumes, and I have taken the time machine from the middle ages to the 1950s.  Well, my designs are based on designs and styles of the 40s and 50s.  I'll throw a wild card in, every now and then, but really, retro inspired dresses are it.  I don't like to hem things or do alterations, I wouldn't call myself a seamstress, even though I "can" do it, I don't want to do it.  I want to share some photos of some of my work, just for shitake mushrooms and giggles.  Many are my own designs.  Hopefully, I will be selling patterns of my own designs very soon. 

Photo by Rio Scafone

Photo by Autumn Luciano

Photo by Kira Lugo

Today is the day...

So today, I decided to expose the inane details of my life to everyone and no one, the grand abyss of the internet.  So, I shall introduce myself, or try to, anyway... I live in a small town, best known as home to the infamous Antioch College, and home to comedian/actor Dave Chappelle. 

I live with my husband, who must be one of the most wonderful men to have ever walked this earth, and our two children.  I say "children" and mean it, but most people would have a different name for them since they bark, have fur, and walk on four legs.
After graduating from college, and still not knowing what I wanted to do with my life, I worked as a social worker, a high school teacher, and up until a year ago, a child support enforcement agent.  I quickly became fed up with wielding the heavy hammer of the state.  And although I felt some satisfaction with every driver's license and hunting/fishing license that I suspended for non-payment of child support, I am happy to say that I am now self employed, doing what I love to do. 

Now I live by the needle... the sewing needle.  I am a dressmaker and a dress designer.  I sew almost every day and have learned mostly by trial and error, ok, ok, I'm kidding, mostly error.

So, what is to follow will be my adventures in sewing (mostly).  My husband told me not to write about politics or anything else important, and he is always right, but ...
  So ye be warned... here be monsters
The Carta Marina by Olaus Magnus (1490-1557)